History of the PTO
The Morrison School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) was formed in 2011. Like most parents, the parents of Morrison School students were used to having a network of parents to bond with while providing goods, services and experiences for their children’s school.
Since the Morrison School program is very structured and unique, Morrison School parents greatly benefit from the tangible, constructive advice and tips on how to take hold and embody the “Morrison Way” from other parents. A child’s diet and evening schedules may change, and the development of time management may take time. The chief role of the PTO, when founded, was to bring families and staff together to promote a peaceful transition into the Morrison School program and provide support to families fostering these new guidelines and routines into the home setting.
Coffee chats were the first outlet for parents to meet in a casual setting. Parents began meeting monthly at a local restaurant to discuss the daily routines, homework and behavior management of their children. Bonds were formed. From these casual conversations, the needs of the parents became more apparent. They missed the extracurricular activities outside of this school that kept their children engaged in a community of friends. As a result, the PTO began supporting teachers and families in order to offer fun and interactive experiences outside of the curriculum.
Fast forward to the present and the following programs and activities are supported by the PTO:
- Back to School Orientation
- Fall Festival
- Student of the Week Lunch
- Parent Coffee Chats
- Homeroom Parents to support each homeroom group’s specific needs
- Fundraisers
- Christmas parade participation in cooperation with the Student Council Association
- An active hospitality committee that provides meals for staff, snacks for SOL testing weeks and meals for PTO meetings and other events
- Prom and Winter Fest in cooperation with the Student Council Association
- Quarterly PTO meetings including a dinner hour and informative guest speakers
- Opportunities for parents to serve on the PTO board or committees that meet regularly and attend an annual planning retreat for school year planning
- Coordinated parent workdays
The PTO now consists of an executive board which includes the president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary.
2024-2025 PTO Officers
Mercedes Burke, President
Amanda Artrip, Vice-President
Mandy Wakem, Treasurer
Vacant, Secretary
Contact: pto@morrisonschool.org